Did you know each finger has its own name in Hebrew? How crazy is that??? Granted, they each have their own name in English, too, but I know those without having to think really hard.
Anyway, BSM was recently singing a fun little child's ditty naming each finger, and I thought it was as good a thing to pop in here as anything. Now that I'm writing it up, however, I see that the last line absolutely required its internal rhyme and forced pause, and translating stuff that makes me giggle is really difficult.
אגודל נפל לתוך המים
אצבע הרים אותו
אמה הביאה לו מגבת
קמיצה ניגבה אותו
זרת השובבה היפילה אותו בחזרה
Thumb fell into the water
Pointer lifted him out
Middle finger brought him a towel
Ring finger dried him off
Little pinky, full of sin, went and pushed him right back in