Last night, I was super responsible. I made my lunch the night before leaving for work, instead of waiting until the morning. Well, technically, I didn't actually make my lunch; I just boiled some eggs. But the eggs were for my lunch, so let's leave the record as "I made my lunch the night before."
Okay, as evidenced by not making my entire lunch, it wasn't due to extenuating responsibility that I chose to boil eggs at 9:30 pm rather than 7 am. I made hard-boiled eggs at night because (a) I never remember to make eggs 30 minutes before I want to leave for work and (b) I didn't really want to spend my morning peeling egg after egg after egg for The Egg Fiend, a.k.a. FF. Since FF nearly always leaves for daycare before I leave for work, that meant I could safely take 5 minutes to throw together a salad while he was still home, and just grab an egg or two on my way out the door.
This morning, all was going according to plan: I took out a salad container and breezily opened the fridge to get vegetables, even though FF was standing right next to me. Fearless, that's me: not only were the eggs safely in an opaque container, but we haven't had hard-boiled eggs in the recent past, so FF doesn't currently associate the fridge with eggs.
So I open the fridge to get lettuce. Before I even bend down to open the produce drawer, FF says, "EGGIES! Want egg! Egg please!"
Taken completely off-guart, I shut the fridge and whirled to the excited FF. "How do you know???"
FF looks at me expectantly. I open the fridge skeptically. "FF, sweetie, show Ema the eggies."
Joyfully, FF points directly to the container, which--too late--I realize is indeed opaque but is also the container that I nearly always use for hard-boiled eggs and haven't used for anything else in years.
So FF got eggs this morning, and I learned something.