Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Quick Brag

I have blog posts waiting, but here's a quick brag about BSM.

Yesterday afternoon, BSM asked us if he could bring fruit and/or vegetables to school today, because a friend of his is making a siyum (party with food). I agreed without asking for further details, and threw some starfruit and clementines in a bag last night. This morning, BSM decided that instead of fresh fruit, he'd rather bring a can of pickles and some dates. Remembering previous class parties, I asked if we need to coordinate that with anyone, since maybe some other kid signed up to bring canned goods. 

At this point, BSM explained what was actually going on: this is not a class-wide potluck event. Yesterday, BSM's friend said that he is finishing masechta brachos in mishna, and he plans to celebrate in school on Wednesday. BSM's response was, "How can I help?" and his friend suggested that BSM bring fruit/veggies.

I am so proud.