Tuesday, June 7, 2022


My last post mentioned a delightful website, IsItAJewishHolidayToday.com.

In a similar vein, Malka the Physicist would also like to introduce you to the humorous website www.HasTheLargeHadronColliderDestroyedTheWorldYet.com. Not sure how often this one's updated, but it's been accurate each and every time I've checked it.

For some light background reading (never trust a physicist who says that, ever: they are either totally out of touch or being willfully obtuse), see the less-humorous official webpage home.cern/science/accelerators/large-hadron-collider/safety-lhc

Oh, Right.

Yesterday, the day after Shavuot, things seemed a little quiet on the American Front. Finally, around 3 pm, I figured it out. 

To double-check my hypothesis, I visited IsItAJewishHolidayToday.com. (I've been there before, but always as a joke.) Well looky there. That explains that.