Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 330 (Snow Day)

I've got news for you people: I don't think that talking about BSM's dirty diapers is TMI. Feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph >:-) Over the past week or so, BSM has started telling me/Dikla when he has a dirty diaper. What a big boy!!! However, he's only mentioned it when external factors make it a natural topic of conversation, i.e., other children are getting their diapers changed or I ask him point-blank what's going on down there. Well, all that changed today. Today is the day that I was on the computer and BSM was playing nicely, and then he just walked up to me and kept telling me that his diaper was dirty until I understood what he was talking about. Yay, BSM! I am so proud of him!

In other baby news, when I tried to put him in for a nap this morning, I was reminded exactly why reading a nice soothing story isn't part of our bedtime routine. It's because my little book fiend gets waaaay too excited and rambunctious when we break out the books. "Look at this! And this! Oo, that reminds me of another book! Stop reading, I need to flip to my favorite picture!  Hey, I'm going to run and get another book now!" I try a soothing litany of good nights, but BSM is all about flipping around to find the cat! And the mouse! And a balloon! Hey, it's the moon! Let's go look at the sky! Etc, etc.

Since the weather was fine and we were running low on some things that aren't essential but would be nice to have, I popped out to Rami Levy. Oh, man, I have never been in that store when it was so quiet. And on a Thursday night, too! It actually made up for the insanity of earlier this week. It was so nice. So peaceful. The shelves were so fully stocked. There were so many open cash registers. Ahhh.

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