Monday, March 28, 2016

Hey, That's Cool!

I generally listen to something on my way to and from work: when traffic is normal, I spend over an hour in the car each day, and that gets boring. When traffic is terrible, I need to focus on listening to words instead of tracking such nifty statistics as "time spent pushing the gas pedal vs. time spent with foot on the brake/in park" and "amount of space various drivers allow to develop in front of them before they FINALLY pull up already". I've been listening to Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, but after 25 books or so (averaging about 10 hours each), I needed a change of pace.

So I went to and downloaded some shiurim (Torah classes). My search criteria (language=Hebrew, topic=something related to whatever Jewish Event was coming up) were nice and vague while still narrowing my results to a manageable selection. I quickly settled on a particular rabbi, who happily not only gave classes that fit my search criteria, but whose actual content happened to dovetail beautifully with my interests. I'd never heard of the guy before (and still knew almost nothing about him, other than that he's clearly a native Hebrew speaker), but I love his classes, and that's what counts. (Seriously. It's gotten to the point where I've caught myself hoping for at least some traffic... Enough to listen to an entire class, let's say.)

Then B2 sent me a video of Purim at his Rebbe's house, and I see a guy dancing who looks just like the stock photo next to the classes given by the rabbi I like so much. Yup. Turns out that the made-for-me classes that I stumbled across are given by none other than my brother's Rebbe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    So glad I found this blog, thinking about aliya and it's great to read everyday observations..
