BSM has a birthday coming up, so we mentioned to him that he'll be turning three soon. BSM told us in no uncertain terms that he has no interest in turning three, and though he was open to being "3 and a fraction", he would still vastly prefer to be two.
I thought I could start to bring him around by explaining what a birthday is. So I told BSM that before he was a boy he was a baby (yes, this is old news), and before he was a baby he was a fetus (OK: he hadn't known that but it sounded fine), and when he was a fetus he lived in my belly. That's when BSM burst out laughing. When he finally caught his breath, he said, "Staaaaaaaam, you kidding me!"
I told him I most certainly was not; he lived in my belly (more giggles) and then when he came out of my belly that-- (BSM collapsed into irrepressible laughter again.)
When BSM subsided back into giggles, I told him that all children used to be babies (yeah, yeah), and that before they were babies they were fetuses (fine) and lived in their Emas bellies (back to hysterical laughter again). This time he responded not only with a huge grin, but with a twinkle in his eye, "Before babies, live in mountains with yaks!" This was followed by more laughter and "Staaaam, I kidding you!"
Well, his acceptance of biology might be squat, but at least he knows to respond to a tall tale with one of his own.
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