Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Just Blog!

To Aunt Lady, who is unusually good at encouraging without nudging.

Tons of cool backlog that I may or may not ever post, but I just got another email that I meant to share last time it came around. Therefore, here is today's quick post, which will actually be published, instead of sitting in my drafts folder for months and months and months.

As you may have gathered by now, I live in the West Bank. The regional administration (Mateh Binyamin, whose English website is totally different than their Hebrew site) recently sent out an email reminding people that hitchhiking can be dangerous, and attached a letter with tips to keep everyone safe.

Tip #1 for staying safe: residents are asked to please pick up teenagers who are hitchhiking.

As an American, this sounds hysterically funny, but as someone who's lived here for three years, it makes perfect sense. I'm not aware of any incidents in this country wherein hitchhikers have harmed their drivers/other passengers, but there have definitely been tragedies when hitchhiking kids ended up in the wrong car. No one is going to stop hitchhiking any time soon (the letter doesn't even consider that possibility), so do your part to improve safety: invite strangers into your car.

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