Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Premature Analysis

Assuming this Israeli election cycle is similar to the previous one (and it certainly looks like it is), I expect the initial results published last night and this morning to differ substantially from the final results, which are due on September 25th.

That being said, there is one really important takeaway here: namely that "תיקו מקסיקני" is a valid Hebrew phrase.

I am disproportionately amused by the conflation of the American slang "Mexican standoff" with the Talmudic "תיקו".

In actual news, ynet currently has a very nice "build-your-own-coalition" interactive at The goal is to select enough parties to form a coalition having at least 61 seats. As I said, in my oh-so-educated opinion, it's way too early to bank on specific numbers of parliamentary seats for each party, but the ynet interactive does have some informative built-in rules, such as "party A will not join a coalition that includes party B", which prevent you from building an impossible coalition.

Also note the interactive's clever title, "משחק הכסאות", which is a pun on "משחקי הכס", the Hebrew title for the popular Game of Thrones.

Unfortunately, the interactive doesn't include the rules which create the Mexican standoff. I assume those rules are missing because they all have workarounds, although all of the workarounds involve significant loss of face.

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