FF absolutely nerd-sniped BSM today (unintentionally), but tragically, I don't remember what the snipe actually entailed.
What I do remember is a different conversation that we three nerds had.
FF [a propos of nothing]: Right, plus ten is zero?
ME: Um... a one and a zero next to each other is ten? That's right! Good for you!
FF: No! BSM, right, plus ten is zero?
ME: What?????
BSM [clearly frustrated, but remaining calm]: FF, we don't understand you.
FF [also clearly frustrated, but going for loud rather than angry]: RIGHT PLUS TEN IS ZERO?!??!
BSM [still frustrated, and getting closer to losing it]: FF, that doesn't make any sense. We. Can't. Answer. That. Question!
FF [with a flash of insight of how to clarify everything for us slow folk]: OK. What if you have ten tiny yo-yos. And also zero tiny yo-yos. Right. Plus. Ten. Is. ZERO??!!
ME [giggling to myself because I am loving this whole situation]: Yes, babes, 10 + 0 = 10.
BSM [getting interested]: Actually FF, if you do 10 x 0--
ME [sudden panic]: STOP! We really don't want to have to get into multiplication with him now!
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