Wednesday, December 9, 2020

We Have a First Word!

BY has a large repertoire of expressive noises, but as tempting as it has been to assign value to his noises (c'mon, that was totally an intentional "d-all done," "night night," "b-abba," "mama," etc.), I had yet to be convinced that he actually spoke. 

However, as of this week, I am happy to confirm an official first spoken word for BY: "tuh-da" [תודה/thank you].

Not only does he nail the inflection, which he has done with all of his previous candidate-first-words, BY says "tuh-da" consistently and exclusively upon handing an object to someone or taking an object from someone. 

So cute! What an accomplishment! Ta-dah!


For all of you who will read this and wonder about his language development, yes, BY seems to have good hearing (mimics sounds, swivels around excitedly when he hears a brother approaching), and he understands particular words (I can ask a yentchy BY, "Change you? Want drink? Eat food?" and when I name the desired activity, he smiles hugely and pants and bounces up and down). BY is also pretty good at signing "food," "drink," "all done," and, less frequently, "change you."

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