Sunday, March 1, 2015

Circuit Breaker Excitement

On Wednesday night, our circuit breaker tripped. Repeatedly. Which is odd, because we weren't running anything we haven't run many times before, in this very combination. After a lot of fiddling with individual circuits, I finally got the light over the front door, the fridge, and the heater in BSM's room to all run. Then the whole thing tripped again. Husbinator worked some sort of magic, and he got the fridge (and the baby's heater) to run all night long.

On Thursday morning, I called LandLady, who said she'd call an electrician they knew. Perfect. A few hours later, LandMan called and I talked him through what was going on. I learned more electrical words from that conversation... Anyway, I mentioned that among other things, every time I flipped on the dryer's circuit, everything blew. LandMan made the obvious (once he made it) suggestion that I unplug the dryer. Oh. Yes.

So I unplugged the dryer, plugged a small fan into that outlet, flipped on all of the circuits, and turned on a bunch of appliances. That got us through Shabbos and most of Sunday, when I decided to make sure the dryer was off and plug it back in again. Just to see. Sure enough, as soon as the plug was halfway in the socket, the main circuit tripped. So the problem seems to have been isolated, and now my white load is hanging up to dry.

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