Tuesday, July 14, 2015

BSM Update

One of the drafts in my blog is devoted to BSM. Because I assume we're all obsessed. Over the course of the last month or so, BSM has:

  • Told a joke
    • I asked him, "What does the bird say?" BSM grinned, exclaiming, "Hee-haw!" and burst out laughing.
  • Understood a joke
    • As Husbinator was giving BSM avocado, he said "Avocado? Avocado?" as is our wont when teaching BSM new nouns. Eventually, Husbinator switched to, "Abbacado?" BSM totally got the joke.
  • Read me a book
    • Because sometimes I just can't read him a book, so having him tell me what's in the pictures can be very useful.
  • Got better at counting
    • For example, BSM asked for some chocolate-covered-orange peel from the box I was holding. "Okay," I agreed. "You want one?" BSM looked me in the eye and answered, "Two. Onetwo." So we counted out two for him, "Ooooone? Twooooo?" As I put the second piece of chocolate in BSM's little hand, he changes his story: "Threeeeeee? Onetwothree?" Nice try, kid.
  • Got better at colors
    • He is still far from perfect, but he names the correct color at a slightly better rate than he would by random guessing. However, when asked what color something is, he will always respond with the name of a color. So that's cool.
  • Ridden more buses
    • He has learned that on buses, people go "up steps." This fascinates BSM.
    • He's seen the heart of the city, where four cars driving on one block does not constitute heavy traffic. Wide-eyed, he looks out the window. "Many buses. Many cars. Many people."
    • He's learned that on certain stretches of road, he can say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh," and have it sound like he's saying, "Ahahahahahah." When this happens, BSM looks at me proudly and explains, "Monkey!" Yes, that is what a monkey says.
  • Turned two
    • Hearing BSM say, "Happy birthday!" even if he has no idea what a birthday actually is, is adorable.
    • Also, he blew out his candles in one blow!

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