Sunday, February 28, 2016

What's Obvious to Israelis...

My insurance recently emailed me my quarterly statement. They helpfully provided both a link (which worked) and an attachment (which was password-protected). I emailed them back asking what the password was. I mean, who sends someone a password-protected document without even a hint of what the password is? (I tried both my username and password for the insurance's website, but neither one worked on the attachment.)

My insurance company emailed me back promptly, suggesting that I call customer service with any questions. Look, buddy, I care, but I don't care that much. The link works, your attachment is stupid, I'm not wasting any more time on this.

When I laughingly told this story to my 9th-grade-neighbor (who started computer classes in school this year, and now knows how to click on stuff), she asked if I had tried my Teudat Zehut number (analogous to an American SSID). Well... Um... No, actually.

So I tried to open the attachment again when I got back to a computer. Yup. She was right.

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