Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beginning School: Take II

School started for real on Sunday, and all went smoothly.

BSM cried when I left the first day, was a little sad on the second day, and since then drop-off has been fine. BSM told me that he likes school (yay!), but he doesn't like afternoon-care. Since most kids only stay until 1:30, they combine the 2- and 3-year-olds in the afternoon, which means BSM has to adjust to a new classroom and a new teacher. It's a lot of change for a little boy, but hopefully he'll be fully adjusted before the end of next week.

He's already fully competent at packing his backpack. At orientation, I asked his teacher what to pack for him each day, and she said to bring a baggie of breakfast, a sandwich, and a fruit. So far I've remembered to send him with the full complement (baruch Hashem, kaina hora, poo poo poo). Also so far, BSM has been checking my work, which is a little funny, but definitely a Good Thing. I like his commentary as he goes through his backpack in the morning: "Have water bottle. Have sandwich? Have sandwich. Fruit? Have fruit. Um..... What else? Um... Ummmm..... pretzels? Yes. Have pretzels."

My careful readers will have noticed BSM's addition of "water bottle" to the list his teacher recited for me. As we were leaving yesterday, BSM's glance fell on a water bottle and said, "Oh! Forgot water bottle like other children. Ha ha. I take it now." I have no objection to BSM having water available, so I helped him put the bottle in his bag, and off we went. Sure enough, when we got to his class, his aide asked if I could send him with a water bottle in the future. We already did that, thanks to the on-top-of-things boychick!

Following this trend, BSM got downstairs about a minute before I did this morning, and told me that he already checked his bag and everything was in it. "Really?" I challenged him, knowing full well that while I packed the water bottle, apple, and pretzels at 10 pm the night before, I'd left his sandwich in the fridge.
"Yes. Have water bottle and sandwich and fruit and pretzels."
"You have a sandwich???"
"Yes, I took it from fridge and put in backpack. I show you."

Well, I'm glad he's not exhibiting my natural levels of organizational abilities, but I'm kind of concerned how he'll react when he figures out how much better at this he is than I am. Presumably it will be a similar blow as when he realizes how much of a better housekeeper he is...

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