Sunday, March 19, 2017


The ladies in my shul started a periodical, and the first edition came out a week or two before Purim. Having turned into a community-spirited person at some unknown time, I made sure both to contribute a recipe (Ema II's Kahlua recipe, which I painstakingly translated to Hebrew) and actually read the thing.

To my recollection, this is the first community publication that I have ever really enjoyed. I guessed that since it's published entirely in Hebrew, I can't get snobby over grammatical errors and inelegant sentence structure. Husbinator opined that I like it because it's entirely devoid of pretense. Both are likely true, but it also turns out that this is not, in fact, a wholly amateur publication: Mrs. Barzilai's mother is a professional editor, and she goes over all of the articles before printing.

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