Sunday, March 12, 2017

So American

One of our friends in the Yishuv gave us ideal mishloach manot this Purim: cute, easy, and delicious. She filled cute little straw cups filled with milk and taped on three Lotus cookies. Like I said: cute, easy, and delicious.

Another one of my friends, Gila, saw the cup and exclaimed over its cuteness, so I told her just how great it is really was. Gila responded, "The people who gave this out are American, aren't they?"
"Yes, how did you kn--. Oh, my Gosh. Milk and cookies is an American thing, isn't it? Yes, it is. An Israeli friend gave out a tea and cookies package."

Gila nodded, trying to be nice, but her body language clearly indicated just how weird she finds the milk and cookie pairing.

This is in direct contrast to my manager, who had no qualms about letting me know how gross peanut butter and jelly are together. Which was fair, since I was busy telling her she clearly ate it wrong the one time she tried it, because only crazy people don't like peanut butter and jelly. I mean, they're made for each other! (For the record, she didn't eat it wrong. I convinced her to try it again, and she just doesn't like PB&J. She likes peanut butter, and she likes jelly. Just not together. I'm having trouble processing this.)

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