Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 117 (of books and sleep)

There was a book sale on the kibbutz today. Apparently, this is national book month, or something. Also apparently, there are rules about how cheaply new books may be sold, lest the author not make enough money from royalties. We bought a vowelized edition of the midrash, an illustrated guide to shmitta (the same one I started to read on Shavuot, actually), a cute board book, and a collection of 100 popular songs (with a CD). Imagine not knowing what your kid is saying when they come home from preschool humming something about a spider and the weather: hence preemptively spending a little more than I otherwise would have on a book of short kids' songs that everyone knows.

Today's other excitement was BSM deciding to stay awake until 9:30. I put him to sleep at 7:00, as I so often do, and he woke up at 7:20, as he did last night. Not wanting to repeat last night's Vomit Extravaganza, I decided to let him stay up until he seemed tired. As 8pm rolled around, I said this was getting ridiculous, so I took him into our dark bedroom and nursed him. He nursed, his eyelids drooped, and then he was sitting up and playing with me. Last night's Vomit Extravaganza was every bit as gross as it sounds, and I haven't healed yet, so I let him play some more. At 9:00, I tried nursing him again, and again a sleepy nursing session ended with a playful baby. This being Not Okay, I took him for a walk in his stroller. Thank G-d, he fell asleep, but I still think that was ridiculous. Just saying.

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