Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 138 (devastation)

It's a good thing I had typed up most of today's post before 8 pm today.

So BSM woke up this morning and told me, quite firmly, "Bye." He continued to insist on "bye" while I got us both ready, and cried every time he realized we weren't going "bye" yet. He calmed down immensely when we finally walked to the front door ("Bye. Bye. Bye."), and once we were outside, I couldn't tell that he'd spent the last 10 minutes screaming furiously. We get to daycare, he happily transfers to one of the daycare ladies, and that's that. You know, as much as I love that he's happy at daycare, there is a line somewhere... I can't find it precisely, but I'm fairly certain BSM has... Le sigh.

I also took BSM into the "pishy pool" for the first time today. I have been holding him in the shallow end of regular pool, but today he just got unhappy there after about 30 minutes. I wasn't ready to leave the water, though, so we switched to the pool that has a maximum depth of 1.5 feet. Initially, I held his hands and he walked around the pool and kept trying to sit down (not cool, that). Then one of the other mothers there suggested I put him in an inner tube with leg holes that was floating around. I did, and as soon BSM's feet were on the bottom of the pool again, he took off like a little wind-up toy. On dry land, boy he can cruise, but not stand alone yet. In the inner tube, he was running all over the pool. Really, really cute. Right before I was ready to leave, BSM found the water inlet that poured into the pool: five minutes later he hadn't moved, and for the first time he emphatically shook his head no when I stretched out my hands and said, "Come up..."

And later this evening I learned that the three kidnapped boys were found dead. Not surprising, just devastating. Baruch Dayan HaEmes, and oh, Hashem, tikom damam.

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