Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 139 (before hindsight)

When I dropped off BSM at daycare, the physical therapist was there for her semi-annual visit! I missed the announcement, but luckily my schedule is flexible, so I hung out for 20 minutes or so and we squeezed BSM into the roster. The physical therapist was, of course, quite impressed by BSM's prowess. She ascertained that he sits by himself, pulls himself to stand, lets go for a second before sitting, crawls (she says it's fine that one leg is often off to the side), says a few words, holds a phone to his ear, mushes his brush on his head, and drinks from a cup.

My other big excitement of the day was striking what I thought was a mighty blow against the DREADED ANTS: I caulked up all edges of our kitchen counter, and the kitchen floor edge under the counter. "Haha, ants!" I proclaimed. "That should stymie your evil plans for a few days!" 

**To Be Continued...**

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