Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 146 (playing with BSM)

That really was most of today: I woke up with BSM around 8, then played with him until his nap around 10:30. While I was unavoidably delayed and he was alone in the living room, BSM demonstrated his mastery of the telephone: he not only managed to reach up and remove the portable phone from its cradle, he managed to make a phone call, as well. He talked very nicely to the sleepy person on the other end of the line, at least until I rushed out, apologized, and hung up.

After BSM's nap (and the Longest Lunch Ever--that's what happens when he refused to eat nicely the day before), Sam, I, Ema2, and BSM went out to look at appliances. We don't have dimensions yet, but we figured it would be helpful to get a jump on things by figuring out other specifications that we'd like. In that, we succeeded. We decided not to get a fridge with a built-in water dispenser, and if they aren't too much more expensive, I'd very, very much like a unit that has the freezer as a drawer on the bottom.

The other truly exciting discovery while appliance shopping was that BSM has finally (finally!) seen enough of Ema2 that he will play with her. Yay!

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