Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 160 (less baby, but just as cute)

BSM went to daycare today: hooray! I celebrated with a combination of dish-washing, book-reading, inbox-cleaning, and facebook-posting. Also a smidgen of job-hunting.

After I nursed BSM this afternoon, and BSM cried when I tried to leave (as he lately always does in the afternoon, and never does in the morning), Daphna suggested it might be time for me to stop nursing him before his afternoon nap. I whole-heartedly agree, and am glad not to break up my day, and am very sad that my baby continues to grow up, thank G-d. A real mish-mosh of emotion, you might say.

As I did yesterday, I tried (and failed) to spend some of BSM's birthday money on exciting toys. The stuff is all really irritating, really poorly made, really dangerous, or really beyond his age-range. I found one--ONE--toy that was almost okay, but it was ridiculously expensive for what it was. I settled for a 20ILS mylar helium balloon, and it's a darned good thing BSM likes it so much, because I just converted that to USD. I know that 10 ILS is roughly 3 USD. Makes for quick and easy conversions. But lately I've been forgetting to switch from ILS to USD, and 20 ILS sounds like a much better deal that 6 whole US buckeroos. Seriously? I paid SIX DOLLARS for a balloon? Other than health care and tuition, everything really is much more expensive here. I will spare you the details, but Israeli stores really do seem to think that 20-30 ILS is an insane clearance price. But yeah, BSM really, really does love the balloon, and it is his Hebrew birthday tonight/tomorrow, so it's all good.

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