Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 145 (The Great Apartment Hunt)

Actually, it was very straightforward. As you clever readers surely remember from yesterday, we managed to narrow "all of the dwellings" down to seven, which, helpfully enough, is a good deal less than 80 bajillion and still larger than two. So this morning, I bravely called all seven people and told them we'd be in the neighborhood between 11 and 3, could we possibly stop by? Shockingly, all six people who picked up said sure. Two hours advance warning? Not a problem. (I got through to the 7th soon after we Set Out on our hunt; that apartment had already been rented.)

So we drove over and looked at the places, and quickly ruled out two for being too far, and we had a clear favorite and second of the other four. Perfect!

Looking at the apartments/duplexes took much less time than we thought, so we spent some time at the local supermarket to see what it was like, and to grab lunch at the attached pizza place. While shopping, the Husbinator was Shanghaied to daven mincha at the in-store shul. That was pretty cute. Also pretty cute was our post-pizza discovery, when we bought an "ice-vanilla" (essentially a milkshake/slushy), that BSM is quite adept at drinking from straws. I don't think he's done it before today, but he only had about two seconds of confusion before he was drinking like a pro. (What can I say? He wants to eat everything we eat...)

So yes, it was a very exciting day, all in all. We called the owner of our favorite apartment and told her we're interested; we'll meet with both her and her husband on Thursday and move forward from there. So we start appliance-scouting tomorrow. Whoo!

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