The end-of-ulpan tests were today. Although I have not attended any formal ulpan classes, I have been registered for the ulpan, so I sat the exam. I like taking tests. "Here!" they say. "Have a clearly-defined, time-bound task. Succeed!" So I follow the clear instructions in the clearly defined time set aside for the task, and I feel pretty derned successful. Though I did have a funny moment when I realized I haven't done arithmetic with negative numbers in a loooong time. (One of the reading comprehension questions required solving 586 BCE + 70 years = ???)
I also stuck to my 30 minutes of Facebook rule, which I continue to like, and also makes me feel successful. (Unlike job-searching. Job-searching is Da Pits. It does Not make me Feel Successful.)
After daycare, BSM and I went into Beit Shean. Ostensibly, we went to get meat for Shabbos (and dinner for tonight, as long as we were there: kibbutz dinner on Thursdays is invariably mashed potatoes), but my main goal was to keep BSM out of the apartment until bedtime. It's just easier for everyone that way. If he's home I never quite manage to keep him quiet and out of Husbinator's way, so I'm stressed, BSM is constantly interrupted and yanked around, and Husbinator is less productive. Long walks in this heat are possible, but not something I'm willing to do every day. And now that we have a car... (a car!) Ah. So we went for a long food shop in Beit Shean and accomplished our mission.
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