Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 264 (approaching heat)

Today, as with all responsible days, I washed many dishes. I miss my dishwasher.

Unlike other responsible days thus far, I learned how to deposit a check today. Surprisingly, it's pretty much exactly the same method as used to deposit checks in the US: find an ATM at your bank that says it accepts checks, sign the back, insert ATM card, PIN, then check. Enter amount if so prompted. Get receipt. Nothing new, here, folks, move along. I thought it would be more complicated, somehow.

Because Winter is Coming, I assembled the oil heater for BSM's room and dug out the wood-burning stove in our living room. I also spent a long time with BSM, both of us shaking our fingers and saying, "No, no, no," to both the wood stove and radiator. Please G-d, he really understands. Oy, this is scary. Even with these precautions, I only plan on running the radiator when he's in his crib and can't reach it, and Husbinator and I want to put up some sort of gate in front of the stove. Or we could only light it after BSM is in bed. Anyway, we need to split kindling before the wood-burning stove comes into play.

Speaking of heaters, I'm considering replacing/asking the Landpeople to replace the space heater above the bathroom door: the current one only has one working heating element out of three total elements. Even with the not-quite-warm room, BSM loooooved his bath. He didn't even cry for hair-rinsing.

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