Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 276 (Shabbos)

We ate at the Gordons Friday night. I was kind of nervous about this, since we haven't really taken BSM out past his bedtime since he stopped sleeping in his stroller. Thank G-d, he was great! We didn't get home until 9:30 (two and a half hours past his bedtime), but he didn't complain at all. He sat beautifully in his high chair almost the entire time, ate well, and even played peek-a-boo with one of the other guests. It was so cool!

Moreover, even with going to bed so late (for him, anyway), BSM still slept his full 12 hour night, which meant I had 2 1/2 hours to myself when I woke up on Shabbos morning. Wow. I honestly don't remember the last time I had that much time to myself immediately upon waking up.

My parsha reading of the week left me with a question. Granted, I did no research at all on it, but then again, I'm still dancing with my question from Parshas Bereishis (which is what? a month ago now?) so one thing at a time. Does anyone know why in this week's parsha, the word נערה (lass) is consistently misspelled? (It's written without its final heh, making it look like the word "lad.") Or why the third-person narrative in the Torah refers to Rivka as a lass (נערה), but in Eliezer's retelling, he calls Rivka a maiden (אלמה)?

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