It's a good thing I got to experience the full glory of Highway 1 yesterday. We drove to Tzfat today via the 1 and the 6 (which is even nicer than the 1, though I might just tell myself that because it's a toll road), and I had to drive really slowly due to heavy rain. (The rain, Abba, is also the reason we took the 1 and the 6 rather than the 90. Route 90 may be faster, but it is a leetle too prone to flooding for my taste.)
We stopped about halfway to get more gas (the downside of driving down the 1 yesterday) and eat lunch. I will admit it: I was kind of disappointed that the fast food joint at the rest stop didn't have a hechsher. In America, I take it for granted that I can't eat out, but here there was a chance! It was okay, though: the gas-station mini-mart had pre-packaged sandwiches with hechsher that were surprisingly yummy.
We got to Tzfat later than we had hoped, due to our leaving the house later than we had hoped. Next time we go on a trip, I need to remember to bring BSM to daycare and just pick him up early, rather than blithely assuming we'll leave an hour after I would have dropped him off, so why bother? I'll tell you why bother: there ain't no way to get ready to leave in an hour when BSM wants stuff during that hour. Just saying.
We did get to Tzfat in time to run our Main Errand, though. Husbinator's boss (and friend) has been wanting to buy some pieces from a particular gallery in Tzfat for years, but he has been completely unable to get in touch with them. Since his company is purely internet and phone based, and he works with internet companies, I think his mind was a tiny bit blown that it was literally impossible to get what he wanted using the internet and phones. (In fairness, I'm a bit surprised, too.)
So immediately after unpacking, we set out to find this elusive gallery. Another gallery owner (who was closing up) directed us to the Kaszemacher gallery (not a pseudonym), and we found it! It was one of the last galleries still open, and Husbinator Skyped his boss-friend, and he and his wife picked out four pieces.
Incidentally, Boss-Friend later told Husbinator that he never felt so American in his life. It turns out we called him in the middle of his move from his nice current house to his new gorgeous custom-built house. "So there I was," said Boss-Friend, "Directing all of these people where to put all of my stuff, and suddenly I say, 'Sorry, I can't tell you where to put all of my Things right now. I need to buy Art.' And then I spend about half an hour telling a guy, 'No, I don't like this life work of yours... No, I don't like this life work of yours... Well, maybe that life work of yours is okay...'"
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