Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 300 (satisfying)

I got to make challah today, which was nice.

Also good was finding an FAQ for Israeli elections. Aside from the fact that I never particularly enjoy election season, I really don't understand how the Israeli political system works. My biggest point of contention is this seemingly haphazard way of determining when elections take place. "Well, what if the government doesn't fall apart, whatever that means?" I ranted. "Can we go decades without elections?" Which, when you think of it, is a funny main complaint for someone who insists that she hates elections. The FAQ makes me calmer by clearing up many things, including the fact that, yes, elections are to be held every four years, assuming four years magically go by without the government dissolving, first.

The capstone to this satisfying day was going over some Algebra II with The Caped Avenger. When I manage to trick someone into asking, of their own free will, if they can do another math problem... Well, teaching doesn't get much more satisfying than that :-)

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