Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 356 (spring weather)

Since today was so gorgeous, I decided to bring BSM's diaper bag and some snacks with me so we could go straight to the park from daycare. Since we were going straight to the park from daycare, I realized I had no reason to hurry him home by carrying him, so I let BSM walk the whole way by himself. BSM had a great time, and I realized why I usually end up carrying him, even if we don't have anything scheduled for the afternoon: taking 45 minutes to walk half a mile is a bit much for me.

The spring weather was very seasonally appropriate, too: tonight started Tu B'Shvat. I helped set up for the shul's Tu B'Shvat event, which I knew would start later than the advertised 5:30. What I didn't think through was that since it was called for 5:30 and things always start late in our shul, it started poink at BSM's bedtime. That was OK, though: as much as I would have loved to go to my first real Tu B'Shvat Seder, I was also pretty peopled-out after two hours of frantic setting up.

Today's truly big excitement, though, was hearing from Aunt L80 that HARPER LEE IS PUBLISHING ANOTHER BOOK. Oh me, oh me, oh wow. Not knowing what else to do, I called Mrs. Smith, a teacher I had from 3-6 grade who reads To Kill a Mockingbird with her 5th-6th graders every year. That's right, I was so blown away that I went on whitepages.com and called a woman I haven't been in touch with for years. Hearing her voice on her machine did not help me calm down, either.

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