Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Another Goof

BY, brother of FF, saw q-tips.
"Oh look, to-picks!" he exclaimed.
"Q-tips. Q-tips," I corrected.
Many giggles from BY, who finally gasped out, "No! Bananas!" 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


It's pouring across Israel today, and it is a Mighty Rain. As in, any bits of you that aren't encased in rain gear are guaranteed to get soaked if you go outside.

When I spoke with my boss, who does a good bit of farming on the side, he made a comment that I found unexpectedly comforting.

This rainstorm. It's the malkosh [late rain]. As in:

"ונתתי מטר ארצכם בעתו יורה ומלקוש ואספת דגנך ותירשך ויצהרך"

["And I will provide the rain of your land in its time, early rain and late rain, and you will harvest your grain and your wine and your olive oil"]

from the second paragraph of Shema.

Monday, February 12, 2024

10 Years

On Shabbos, someone was asking for our kids' ages, and BSM  said that he's more than 10 and a half. At which point, Husbinator pointed out that our 10-year Aliyah-Anniversary must be coming up. 

He's right. 

It's today. 

Wow. Wow, wow, wow.

OK, though, but that's the English date. We have another week-and-a-half or so for the Hebrew date. Gotta plan some sort of falafel-fest or something! 

10 years. Wow. Good for us!