Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 20 (ready for bed)

So I shall be brief!

Also, being "ready for bed" is a lie. My head is ready for bed, but my body would like its contacts taken out and pajamas put on and teeth brushed etc etc etc. So demanding. Sheesh!

This morning involved El Babo being in daycare for four whole hours, and me getting a golf-cart tour of the kibbutz from Eitan. The hour I spent with him totally confirmed yesterday's conclusion that he is a wonderful person. It also reinforced something I realized last night: I keep saying that I'm an electrical engineer who knows nothing about circuits, but that's not entirely true. I can follow about 90-95% of a conversation about circuits by experts. I might not be able to contribute anything, but I can follow what's being said. I think that's more than the average layman can do, so points for me!

Ha ha. Speaking of not really being ready for bed, Baby Spidey is crying. T.O.

Okay, T.I.

So Eitan showed me where they are going to be installing the solar panels, and more than that, he showed me how they were going to wire the inverters, voltage-steppers, transformers, and main station. I was genuinely fascinated. He also showed me, as long as we were passing them, the huge water tanks that are cooled each night so the water can be used in chillers the next day. Super-cool. I'm not sure if it's everywhere in Israel, or just large customers, but the kibbutz has at least 3 or 4 different electricity rates, depending on the time of day. Since the middle of the night is cheapest and the middle of the day is most expensive, they do everything they can to shift their electricity usage to the middle of the night.

This afternoon was spent setting up my new phone. The phone I brought from the US will not hold a charge for more than two hours (assuming I don't actually try to place a call during that time), but luckily, Husbinator brought a "phablet" to play with. It's uncomfortably large for a cell phone, but it does hold a charge, so it wins!

This afternoon was not spent sewing on more laundry tags; the phone was more urgent. I am starting to get the feeling that by the time I finish tagging every single piece of our clothing, we'll be about to leave the kibbutz.

Remember when I promised brevity? I do. G'night!

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