Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 32 (excursion)

We went to Geulah/Me’ah Shearim today. I was mildly surprised: not only did we get things we needed, but I also had a nice time just being out and about. Since the sidewalks are far from wide and the stores can be just as narrow, I wore BSM in a sling rather than take the stroller. I saw plenty of strollers in Geulah/Me’ah Shearim, of course, and I just don’t know how those parents do it. I had enough difficulty navigating with my sling and backpack! Still, I felt freer than I have on outing with the stroller, so I am glad.

Since I have no idea where I could have nursed, even with a nursing cover, we fed El Babo banana for lunch. I’m telling you, he eats so much more nicely since he started daycare. Or as the Husbinator put it when I said that to him, “You mean since he actually started getting fed consistently?” Ouch. We had been feeding him… kind of… Really! In addition to banana, we also gave him water from a cup. Because I know better than to share my water bottle with him, that’s why. And sure enough, after he was done drinking, I was glad that the next time I wanted a drink, I wouldn’t have to choose between thirst and those floaters.

I went to the fastest megillah reading I have ever been to this evening: 40 minutes, with every dagesh enunciated.

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