Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 35 (nurse at last)

Today started off with defrosting our fridge: about once a month the freezer (which is a small box at the top of the fridge) grows so much ice that the fridge door doesn't close any more. Hence this morning's defrost.

This afternoon was slightly more exciting: I finally took Baby Spiderman to the health clinic! Devorah weighed and measured him, took his medical history, asked some basic development questions, and told me in no uncertain terms that as soon as I got home, I was to move all cleaning solutions up high. Because everyone keeps cleaning supplies under the sink, and that is unutterably dangerous. She also told me that we have to start giving him iron and vitamin D. Woops.

So we got home and did all that, and BSM also did lots of waving and clapping and it was very, very cute. He also pulled off his shirt when Husbinator put the little hood up. Turns out that if Babe-O pulls down on the front of the hood, the whole shirt slides off. Clever boy.

And to forestall the questions, I will tell you what you are all dancing to know: El Babo weighs 8.715kg and is 69.4cm long. Ha ha ha. (OK, that's 19lb 3oz, and 27.3in. You're welcome!)

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