Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 21 (do the math...)

This morning's epiphany was brought by Daphna, one of the ladies who takes care of BSM at daycare. We were talking about What to Expect from The Baby Spidey this fine day, and she asked how long he usually stays awake before his morning nap. Ah. I thought Baby Spiderman likes to go in for a nap every morning between 10 and 10:30, except when he doesn't. With a little prodding from Daphna, I experienced a gestalt-shift: Baby Spiderman likes to go in for a nap about three hours after he wakes up in the morning. I can feel my world changing for the better already.

While he was in daycare this morning, I did dishes, straightened up, sorted laundry, sewed on more laundry tags, dropped off laundry, and, most excitingly, bought the necessary ingredients to make peanut butter bars. Clearly, I won't be baking hamentaschen this Purim season, as I don't have an oven, but I have to bake something for mishloach manot! My Bubby's peanut butter bars won (recipe below), and I'm psyched to make them next week.

Since the market is re-stocking, I wandered around to see if anything terribly exciting came in. The answer was not really (they're still out of extension cords; guess who conveniently forgot to ask Eitan about those), but I learned a fun Hebrew word. The style of undershirt that I call a "tank top" and my friends call a "wifebeater" is known in Hebrew as a "grandfather undershirt." Now ya know!

Peanut Butter Bars

1 2/3 C graham cracker crumbs (1 sleeve crushed graham crackers) [Graham crackers are rare to non-existent in Israel, so I bought tea-biscuit like crackers]
2 C confectioners’ sugar
1 C crunchy peanut butter
1 C margarine
6 oz. (1 C) chocolate chips

Combine graham cracker crumbs & sugar. In heavy pot, melt peanut butter & margarine. Stir in crumbs & sugar. Blend thoroughly. Press firmly into 9” x 13” pan. Chill. In double boiler, melt chips. Spread over dough. Cut into bars. Freeze in airtight container.

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