Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 51 (Erev Shabbat)

First of all, congratulations to Ema2 and to Aunt L80 for solving yesterday's quiz show! Both clever women used the internet to determine that the grocery store in question was a Shopwell. Thanks!

In less-awesome news, Baby Spiderman has a fever today. He threw up twice this morning, so since seeing the nurse for the second time at 11am, I've been nursing him briefly every hour or so. Poor kid. At least he hasn't vomited since we started with the tiny liquid meals... Though now Husbinator's tummy hurts. Bum bum bum.

We're having a few people over for dinner tonight, and since the Wednesday produce giveaway had melons the size of grapefruits, we will have melon halves with jello centers for dessert. We will also have a tomato dip that I've really missed since being in Israel. I finally looked up the recipe and realized that I can make this with minimal trouble.



Chop an equal number of yummy tomatoes and garlic cloves in a food processor. Add black pepper, a smidgen of salt, and a tiny bit of fresh cilantro if that's what floats your boat. Mix it up and decide not to add either the lemon juice or olive oil that the recipes call for. Done! Sop up with bread to your little heart's content.

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