Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 61 (Erev Pesach)

I love how the laws of Pesach account for the last minute. Finish cleaning your house when? About 24 hours before the seder. At that time, also get rid of your chametz. Oh, and 12 hours later, get rid of your chametz again. You know you found more since then. Oy, it's so true. (Not that we found anything major, but there was that one last toothpaste, just a few more Tums, etc etc.)

While the Husbinator went to Beit Shean to get our rental car (I'm still pleasantly shocked that they had a car for us to rent), I got Babo ready for his day, ate breakfast, threw in the last load of laundry, and... got my teudat zehut (ID) back!!! It turns out that someone found it on the ground yesterday afternoon and gave it to the ulpan dorm mother. Not having my phone number, she found me today, and oh, I am just so happy. I was not looking forward to going through a roadblock with my US passport and immigration papers, explaining that I, alone among religious Jews, failed to find stuff when I cleaned my house for Passover. Phewsh!

Also this morning, I saw my cover letter that Uncle Red tweaked for me. One day I, too, shall have the skill of being smoothly professional without sounding cheesy. One day. Also, (B2 are you listening?) Uncle Red told me not to believe everything you see on the internet: using a drill to peel apples might not actually simplify your life. So sad.

We made it to Yerushalayim without incident, and we'll be having the seder with Auntie Em and the clan.

Happy Pesach to all and to all a happy Pesach!

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