I believed I mentioned a while back that I was listening to The Lies of Locke Lamora. Well, I finished it, and its little sequel, too, and I just borrowed a copy of The Republic of Thieves, the third in the series. I must say, it's kind of nice to while away an entire day curled up, reading. I haven't done that in far too long.
Of course, I still got some business done: we finally submitted the forms to (a) enroll BSM in daycare and (b) get the special immigrant-price-refund-thingy on his tuition. I also called the rental car company to reserve a car so we can travel in ease with lots of stuff to Yerushalayim for Pesach. I had a perfectly coherent Hebrew conversation, with minimal repeating: they don't have any cars available for that time, but oh dear she's with two customers right now, can she call me back? She didn't. I'll call back tomorrow and... what? Ask if she has any competitors she can get us in touch with? If not, we'll take the bus again, but we were hoping for a car this trip.
I also took some kitchen-wares to the kitchen (funnily enough) to be kashered for Pesach. Fastest kashering I have ever seen. I brought the pots in a (mesh) laundry bag, figuring it was a good way to carry them. The rabbi took the bag from me, looked at the pots inside, and popped the whole bag into a huge vat at a rolling boil. He poked it down, popped it into a vat of cold water, and handed it back to me. BAM! Doneskies.
In baby news, Baby Spidey continues to be fascinated by the tree in front of our building. He loves being held beneath it, so he is surrounded by leaves to swat at and branches to pull. Even as I forbid him to eat the leaves, he remains a picture of Delight.
Seems a shame to spoil that image by mentioning that he had a total meltdown in the bathtub tonight, poor tired baby. It ended with me holding him (twice!) before having a chance to towel him off. He was asleep less than 10 minutes after (most) of the soap was rinsed off of him.
Back to heartwarming news, PianoToes is the best! PianoToes, of course, being my middlest younger brother, who emailed me today to say that he read my blog, and--brace yourself for a truly rave review--he would read it even if I weren't his sister. Warmed the cockles of my heart, I tell you. I love you, PianoToes!
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