Unpacking, another shopping expedition. We're at the same stage we were at right after we got married, when we couldn't go to Target or Walmart without spending between $100-$250. Nothing extravagant, nothing fancy, but those shower curtain rods and garbage cans and dustpans and and and add up pretty quickly.
Speaking of buying things, we bought BSM his first pair of shoes today! I don't think his walking is good enough to throw shoes at him, yet (Why would anyone throw shoes at a baby? We throw ballies, not shoes. Come, now.)... Right. So his walking isn't that good yet, but he likes to walk outside, and the bricks are hot and the sharp thingies are few, but still more than I'd like. Hence the shoesies.
Tonight's big project was getting our insurance manifest together for our shipping container. Nefesh B'Nefesh strongly advises against containers, by the way. People always ship too much stuff and don't have anywhere to put it. Also, with the cost of shipping, you're essentially buying everything again, anyway, so why not buy stuff made to fit in Israeli homes? Those are their two main talking points. It recently occurred to me to wonder if this advice is fully genuine, or if it's influenced by other agendae. Agendae such as helping boost the Israeli economy by having more people buy more stuff here. Just sayin'. I mean, Nefesh B'Nefesh is right: I'm sure we are shipping too much stuff, and we will have trouble fitting it into our home. (Though not the furniture: it will all fit through all necessary doors, and by gum we need furniture.)
At the same time, even with taking into account that we err on the side of expensive when it comes to insurance manifests, our stuff is worth waaaaay more than the cost of shipping it here. Even at American prices, it would cost more to replace our stuff with new stuff than to just ship it, and most things are much more expensive in Israel. Mind you, a bunch of furniture that's valued at hundreds or thousands of dollars we got for free, so... So... Ummm...
Writing that insurance manifest was exhausing and took too long and it's late and it's bedtime. Night-night! Now with stopping the incoherent rambling! Soon the stopping is! For really!
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