BSM started daycare today. I shall call his daycare provider Dikla. She runs a private daycare out of her home, and I got a very good feeling about it when I hung out there a little today. There are five children in the group (including BSM): two kids who seem to be between 2-2 1/2 years old, two one-year-olds, and one four-month-old. I'm very happy with the age-range: I was looking for something where BSM wouldn't be the only kid his age, but I also really didn't want him to be the oldest: he learns a lot from watching children who are slightly older than he is. Also, the two older kids went to Dikla for daycare last year, too, which means their mothers think she's worth coming back to. This is all good. Also, she's a ten-minute walk from where I live.
During the hour-and-a-half that BSM was in daycare today (and I wasn't), I affixed bamboo mats to our front fence. This is something we've been wanting to do since we moved in: our front fence is green metal, with bars about a fist apart. This makes it a pretty fence, but it doesn't give us much in the way of privacy, and since our living/dining room has huge sliding doors a few yards from the fence, this is actually an issue. (Putting up curtains is also on our list of things to do, but we want to fill in the fence anyway.)
I bought the roll of bamboo about a week ago, but it's the sort of thing I can only do during daylight, but while BSM is not around. I got about halfway through before having to pick up BSM (in my defense, I also had to take down the palm branches that Landlords had twist-tied to each pole), but by the time we got back, Husbinator was awake and very interested in helping this project get done. So he watched BSM, swept up the fallen palm leaves, and pruned the myrtle bush, and I finished putting up the bamboo. Then I put BSM to sleep, and I helped Husbinator re-tie the tarp that shades our front yard. I am very, very pleased with the combined results. Come visit, and you can see why!
Afterwards, we went to Pisgat Ze'ev to pick up more sippy cups for BSM. (I had to give our spares to Dikla.) We didn't find the sippy cups, but we did get... more stuff for the house. Seriously, this feels like it will never end, even if we are up to non-essentials such as clocks and curtains. (Tip: shower curtains seem to be a good deal cheaper than window curtains, and they perform the function perfectly adequately.)
Oh, and I applied for jobs. Woo-hoo, back on the wagon!
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