Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 188 (Tuesday. For sure, Tuesday.)

BSM kept picking my pocket yesterday. This morning, I learned that he also put stuff into my pocket. Ooo, gravel! Of course that meant that the next time BSM picked my pocket, he found some nice gravel to eat... Sigh.

I took BSM back to the Clalit clinic today, and successfully registered both of us so this will be our "home clinic" as it were. (Husbinator will have to show up in person to transfer himself.) I also finally, finally, got BSM's 1-year blood count done. Whewsh! One less burden upon my all-too-slight shoulders.

In other news, Israel is still absolutely gorgeous. It's not just Yerushalayim that goes from stark white-and-tan to liquid, dusty pastels at sunset. It's the whole region. Driving back from the grocery store tonight, the Judean Hills and Sky were blending and reflecting pinks and oranges and purples and blues. Yes, I also watched the road, but I can't pretend my heart wasn't in the hills and sky.

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