Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 195 (out and about)

I wasn't even in that much of a hurry,
but I left my shopping cart in
a parking spot.

As I turned to walk back to my car,
the cart's chain
swung in the silence:
back and forth.
Back and forth.



I guess I could start another blog for the occasional poem, but that's one more thing I'll just have to get to when the more urgent things have been taken care of. (Also, in my defense, there were two other shopping carts in that parking spot. What I did was still wrong, but isn't as evil as I think it is. I hope.)

Husbinator and I (and BSM) went to the Old City today. It was good to be at the Kotel again: it's an easy place to daven, and that's something I need to do more regularly.

Afterwards, we went to Geulah/Mea Shearim to pick up more stuff for the house. (Will it never end?) While walking up and down, we passed a store that sold all sorts of varieties of slushies. We looked at the different flavors and cup sizes, weighing our options, and a boy around 10 years old asked if he could help us. We asked him the cost of a slushy, and he glibly rattled off the various prices for various sizes of cup. "We have it all!" he said, "You choose!" So we asked for a half-and-half: strawberry-banana and strawberry frozen yogurt.
"You can't mix those!" the boy told us.
We looked at him, clearly wondering why not.
"One's dairy and one's fruit!"
"So what? That's what we want."
"Okay," he capitulated, "But don't come back and tell me it doesn't taste good."
Seriously. That's what he told us. With all the gravitas of a businessman, layered with the exasperation of a mother: I warned you. Don't you complain to me when you don't like it.
So he made us our drink and it was de-li-cious. We told him so, with only some smugness. The boy was impressed, and said he'd try it next time.

I'm still laughing as I write this. Dude, I would have paid 10 shekel for that exchange, even without a yummy frozen drink to show for it.

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