This morning (the morning after our little trip to the little zoo), BSM picked up a plastic goat and said, "Meeeeehhh," repeatedly. I tried to get it on video, but as soon as I took out the cellphone, he just wanted to play with that. As soon as the cellphone was away, BSM went back to bleating at his goat. (Or perhaps with his goat. I don't know.)
I'm also fairly cetain that BSM said "dai" to me today. "Dai" as in "Dayenu", as in "enough," as in the official motto of the Israeli Toddler's Association. The boy is 14 months old.
This afternoon, when I was playing with BSM on the sidewalk, one of the women from shul passed me with her kids and invited me to come with them to the park. That is nice. I appreciate that. So we did, and she and I chatted as much as we could between not letting our kids do anything too dangerous. This is a nice lady, I tell you.
Also in the good/nice category, Rabbi Rimon, who wrote the Shmita book that I keep gushing about, spoke at the Yishuv tonight. Husbinator stayed home with sleeping BSM (who woke up sobbing for the first time in a while--woops), and I went to the Shmita shiur. It was enlightening and interesting, and I gained some clarity on a few points I wasn't 100% on from what I've read so far of his book. Good stuff.
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