Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 222 (now that's a baked-up storm)

Thank G-d and thank Grandma, that's what I say! Today, my Bosch and I made sweet rolls, chocolate chip cookies, two types of frosting, and a cream filling. The sweet rolls are good, but next time I need to sprinkle more cinnamon and sugar on them.

Speaking of baking, Mrs. Barzilai (who, by the way, is one year older than I am; I just figured since I went to the trouble of making up a family name, I don't need to make up fake first names, now) asked me for the apple pie recipe today! She said she's been looking for an apple cake like that for ages, and mine was delicious. I was flattered, ans still a little horrified that there is really no effective way to communicate that apple pie is not a cake. I tried, but I don't think I made any headway at all. Mrs. Barzilai clearly recognizes that this ain't your typical apple cake (hence asking for the recipe and loving that it has so many apples in every bite), but I haven't gotten her to make the mind-shift that this isn't a cake. at all. Speaking of cultural phenomena, and all. Apple pie: it seems that it really is American as. Oy, these poor, deprived people.

So, yeah: we're ready for yontiff: desserts are made!

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