Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 210 (Is it fans? Yes, it is!)

One day, the fans will be installed and I'll hardly give them a second thought. Until then, they consume me. Gah.

Since our neighbor came yesterday and spent a good bit of time and effort to diagnose and fix the problem with the fan we installed, we felt we should really hire him. It's only polite. Also, neither I nor Husbinator really had a burning desire to get more anchor plates into the ceiling. Frustrating work, that. So I assembled fans and fan blades and took down light fixtures this morning, and DIN, as I shall call this neighbor of ours, spent two hours putting in the rest of the anchor plates and making sure each hookup actually worked. I'm really glad we hired him: one of the hookups he was working with had wires coming and going in five (5!!!) separate directions. Oh, and DIN confirmed that our hookups are a really, really tricky size. Ha.

We still have to move one fan off of its hook and onto the anchor plate, and put the blades on two fans. Then we're done. And no one needs to hear or obsess over fans for a really long time. Until then, I'll just note that even with paying DIN to help with installation, these fans are still cheaper than any but the most basic floor fans.

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