BSM very helpfully agreed to take his afternoon nap early, so I got to daven! Unfortunately, the timing of the nap meant that I didn't get to shul for the repetition of mussaf, as I had hoped to do, but I'm really glad that I was able to daven the amidahs at all.
As is the custom, we said tashlich in the afternoon. And as is the custom, we said it by a body of water. Kind of. You see, we live in the Judean Desert. There is a naturally-occurring body of water (that has water at this time of year!) relatively close to us: it's approximately a 15-minute drive away. (I'd like to visit it: I've heard of it, but haven't been there, yet.) So that was out. However, rather than saying tashlich at the local mikvah, or at a kiddie-pool into which someone has tipped some water and fish (as I've seen done in Yerushalayim), we said tashlich while facing the Dead Sea. It's there. Just before the Jordanian mountains, which we can always see. Really. Good enough, eh?
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