Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 102 (no clear parenthetical theme)

Today's excitement was brought to you by a feverish baby. Poor kiddo: he's been sick a lot since we've arrived. New set of germs, I guess. According to the health clinic, his lungs and ears look fine. Just keep him hydrated and his fever reasonably low, and wait for it all to blow over. Sigh. Poor kid.

I had my next driving lesson today, and Husbinator had his first. Still dull, but I don't think they'll stretch on for too long, so that's encouraging

On the more mundane side, I washed a bunch of dishes and tagged more laundry. I remember when I thought I'd tag a few more things over the next few weeks and be done. Ha ha. I just know I'm gonig to be sewing a label on something the last time we throw something in the laundry here. Oh, man, my life is so hard. Having to sew labels on stuff so when other people wash it, I get it back. Poor me, right?

I also got a mystery caller today! I felt awkward asking him what his name was, so I settled for asking what company he was with. If he responded, I didn't catch it. He told me to read up on photovoltacis for satellites, though, because I might be getting some calls about that in the near future. Thanks? Cool? It is cool. And yes, thanks. It's just a little surreal, that's all.

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