Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 99 (getting stuff done)

I had my first driving lesson today, as the next step in converting my American license to an Israeli one. It was soooo duuuulll. Two hands on the wheel. Full stop. Check your mirrors before you go into a lane that just started. Check your mirrors before you slow down. Use your blinkers every time you drift away from a parked car and back toward the curb. Blah. And fantastically, it's the driving instructor (who is paid by the lesson) who decides when I can take the test.

In less dull news, I got a call from someone with a laser-diode lab in Jerusalem. We had a good conversation, and I'll head over there after Shavuot to have a look around. Oolala!

I was debating whether or not to bathe the baby: it's much easier to bathe him Thursday night than Friday afternoon, but I had just bathed him on Wednesday, and the counter was full of stuff anyway, so I decided to bathe him on Erev Shabbos. Then a certain someone, who shall remain nameless, cried so hard and so long that he vomited all over his crib. Well, not all over. Just where his head and shoulders would rub in it. So, completely coincidentally, I decided to bathe BSM on Thursday night, after all.

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