At some point, I'll need to address if this is more a blog about "moving to Israel" or "bragging on my baby." Aw, heck, he moved to Israel, too: celebration of his accomplishments falls squarely into the rubric of this blog. (Now all I need is a mission statement, so I can prove it.)
Now that you are all excited to hear about my child's brilliance, I shall bore you with theory. [If taught sign language,] most babies can sign well before they can speak. Many bilingual children start speaking later than their monolingual peers. Inability to communicate can lead to more temper tantrums. So a few weeks ago, we started a little signing with BSM. I generally remember to sign "eat" and "drink" during mealtimes, and I almost always sign "all done" before taking him out of his booster seat.
Yesterday, after an hour or so of steady eating which was quickly devolving into exuberant food play, I signed "all done." Babe-o immediately dropped the banana onto his tray and lifted his hands out of the way. So smart! So clever! So possibly coincidental! He demonstrated his understanding of "all done" again today. Woo-hoo! Two data points!
In much cuter baby news, his teachers tell me he was blowing kisses all day today. This, naturally, melts my little heart, especially since I tried all day yesterday to get him to give kisses. To be frank, I tried all afternoon today, also. So far, he has given lots and lots of kisses to Leah and one kiss to Rinat (daycare ladies that he's bribing to let him stay awake). Soon he will show me how he can give kisses, too, and at some point after that I might even remember to take a picture of that cuteness.
In other interesting news, we had a thunderstorm here tonight. A lot of lightning, a little thunder, and a considerable amount of rain. This is noteworthy since we are pretty firmly in the dry season at this point. I hope not too many people have moved their non-waterproof stuff outside, yet.
Oh, and speaking of "all done," I finished Words of Radiance tonight, so I'm free again.
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