Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 88 (DMV/freedom)

We rented a car this morning, so we could drive an hour to Haifa to get our forms stamped, so we can move on to step 5 of 9 of getting our US drivers' licenses transferred to Israeli drivers' licenses. Sounds terrible, no? Well, it wasn't. I mean, the process is more than slightly ridiculous, and finding the DMV was a little convoluted, and we had to turn around right after we got our forms stamped, because I had to nurse El Babo, but it was really nice. Having a car means that we can go where we want when we want with minimal trouble. I'd forgotten that, and it's lovely.

We had lunch in Beit Shean, and then just for giggles and kicks, we went back to Beit Shean for dinner. This meant that we got to explore not one, but TWO grocery stores. We also got to buy whatever we wanted, because we could PUT IT IN OUR CAR to bring it back. Hitchhiking with a huge pack of diapers and glass bottles is, let us say, less than ideal.

Tomorrow I'll use the car to go to my job fair thingy (all day), and then I'll return it to Beit Shean Tuesday morning and walk to my (rescheduled) doctor's appointment. So convenient. So, so convenient. I'm going to miss you, car!

Speaking of being gone All Day tomorrow, this afternoon I told Daphna that since I wouldn't be back until the evening, I wouldn't be able to nurse BSM tomorrow,  and Husbinator would be picking him up after daycare. She asked what we'd do after daycare, and, assuming my Hebrew sentence didn't actually say that Husbinator would take baby home at 4pm,  I rephrased it. Turns out I had said it right the first time: Daphna was asking how they'd manage. "I dunno, they'll figure it out," I answered. Daphna, loving BSM, then gave me some suggestions on making the Long Day Without Ema easier for said BSM. Thank you, Daphna. Thank you for caring about my kid even when he's not your problem.


P.S.: I just read the title of this blogpost. Wow, that's a weird juxtaposition!

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