The funniest thing I'm seeing so far in the response to my "email blast" is how many people apologize for helping me. No, no! Do not say sorry that a stranger offered me great advice because you know them and sent them my CV! I say thank you for that; you don't say sorry. Oy, people are so good.
In other cute news, BSM has finally gotten the hang of noses that go "beep." You know, you push the baby's nose and say, "Beep!" and the baby is supposed to giggle. Until now, BSM would look confused or start to cry (depending the beeper and the volume of the beep). Today, Husbinator beeped BSM's nose, and BSM responded by pushing Husbinator's nose. Naturally, we said, "Beep!" when BSM did that, and there immediately ensued a whole lot of nose-beeps, with the occassional, "Bee" from BSM. Awwww...
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